Saturday, June 5, 2010

"Good girls don't dress like that!"

The last week of this past semester at MTSU I walked in one of the lunch rooms to enjoy a quick snack before my next class. I walked into the KUC anxious to find a seat by the window so I could enjoy the view of the beautiful weather. Almost immediately after sitting down I couldn't help but over hear the loud converstaion a group of young men were having about 5 ft from my table. There sat about 6 or 7 young men. They looked like they ranged in age from about 19-23. What would proceed from one young man's mouth will live with me forever. A young lady walked by...I could literally see the boy's eyes moving up and down as they "checked her out". The young man said loudly to his friends "Man did you see those legs??" The others smiled and discussed this young womans body as if she were an object, rather than a human. One boy quickly spoke up, "I know of her, she is actually a pretty good girl." Then, it was said "Good girls don't dress like that!!" The other boys agreed, discussing how it was not possible for her to be a "good girl" based on the clothes she was wearing.
She was wearing a low cut tank top and very short shorts. This made me immediately examine my outfit. I began skimming over the clothes I owned in my head questioning "would this shirt make a man believe that I was not a "good girl." A few days later when I had the time I went through my wardrobe, and indeed, I had to throw away a few items.
I long to present my body as an acceptable example of a daughter of Christ.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 states " Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s."
I encourage you to remember the present world in which we live as you dress each day! If you have to" call into question" a certain top or bottom my suggestion would be to just not wear it at all. Your appearance does matter!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful story, I look forward to tracking your blog :)

    Indeed, more women should 'examine' their outfits to see the sort of appearance they are presenting themselves.
